Elina Melloul

multidisciplinary , writing
  • Empowerment artworks of an artistic investigator

    When Sutthirat Supaparinya was a little girl, she wanted to be a scientist. But, around 14 years old, when a teacher at school asked to their students what they wanted to become in the future, one of her classmate said she would like to be a scientist. It made her change her direction to an artistic career instead.

    Elina Melloul
    Jan 21, 2018

  • The mirror of Sarisa

    “I just want my art to create a movement in the society,” said Sarisa Dhammalangka, a trans artist from Chiang Mai. Movement of ideas, bodies and mentalities, her art is dedicated to open people mind.

    Elina Melloul
    Dec 13, 2017

  • Confessional art of Methagod

    Methagod is a young Thai artist who lives in Chiang Mai, native of Ubonratchathani. After he studied law school, he decided to dedicate himself to his first passion, art. Even though the two professions seem opposed, both of them try to highlight taboos’ issues of the society. Law works give justice and restore truth stories whereas artists denounce and claim, through their art, what they need to reveal.

    Elina Melloul
    Nov 30, 2017

  • Printing by Doing

    « I consider myself an art educator and an art maker rather than an artist » This sentence have been said by Surachai Ekphalakorn, a contemporary artist and a Professor in the department of Visual Arts, in the faculty of fine and applied Arts, at the Chualolgkorn University in Bangkok. This passionate teacher dedicates his work to his students through art practise researches: Indeed, he has developed teaching theory in order to improve the quality of art classes in University. Because preparing his students to the art world is crucial for the future art scene of Thailand, more than just teaching and transmit knowledge, he would like to give them some human values.

    Elina Melloul
    Nov 21, 2017

  • Portrait [Archives of Dialogue: Seeing and Being] By jiandyin

    Portrait [Archives of Dialogue: Seeing and Being] is an exhibition which introduces the on going project of jiandyin's Dialogue : Seeing and Being, exposed in Gallery Seescape from 1st September 2017 until 15th October 2017. The artists showed all kinds of archives: painting, videos, sculpture and photograph. Indeed, through this diversify art supports; the artists wanted to express the complexity and the diversity of human being.

    Elina Melloul
    Nov 9, 2017


About the writer …

Elina Melloul is a French intern in Chiang Mai Art Conversation. During these next couple months, she will write different reviews about cultural events in Chiang Mai such as exhibitions, festivals, art books, and create some videos, which present the work of different artists. 

As a student in political sciences, she does not have any professional skills about art.  However, in these reviews, she will provide a sociological analysis about art’s world. Through her works, she will try to explain the different art projects, which compose the art scene of Chiang Mai.

Let’s discover what can offer “the cultural town of Thailand” for the art lover.

If you are an artist and if you are interested in having a review about your work, please contact her.

e-mail: [email protected]